10/7-11/13 – Studying narrative structure through Thelma and Louise

Monday, 10/7/13

Aim: Understanding narrative arc and inciting incidents using Thelma and Louise

Daily Spark: Make one prediction for what might happen next based on the information you heard and saw

While you watch –

Direct/indirect characterization

Major Turning points/Important plot points


Wednesday, 10/9/13

Aim: Understanding narrative arc and inciting incidents using Thelma and Louise

Daily Spark: What are the choices that Thelma and Louise have to end their journey?

While you watch –

Direct/indirect characterization

Major Turning points/Important plot points


Friday, 10/11/13

Aim: Understanding narrative arc and inciting incidents using Thelma and Louise

Daily Spark: What do you believe was the second major turning point of the film?

Read analyzation on film plot and plot out the major points on “Plot Mountain”

Discuss –

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