3/25-27/14 – Wrap Argo + Innocente

Tuesday 3/25/14

HW3.5:  Read http://www.vulture.com/2012/12/toughest-scene-i-wrote-chris-terrio-on-argo.html

Respond in 5 sentences. Thoughts? Ideas? How does this alter your thinking about writing dialogue?

Aim: Understanding how true stories become films

Daily Spark: What is one thing you learned about the REAL story of the Iranian Hostage Crisis, or the Argo Story?  How is that similar or different from what actually happened?

-Finish watching

-Look at screenplay


Thursday, 3/27/14

Aim: Innocente


3/17-21/14 – Peer review of pieces

Monday, 3/17/14

Aim: Understanding characters and their surroundings

Daily Spark: Describe an interaction/situation between you and someone else. Describe it from the other person’s point of view. Include description of place and write in the other person’s voice.

Finish 7 Turning points


Wednesday, 3/19/14

Aim: Peer support

Last week, you wrote a scene where two characters meet each other and should have your seven turning points.

As you read:

  1. Who is the main character? What is his/her goal? What is his/her obstacle?
  2. Describe the main characters’ characteristics
  3. What is the theme, as far as you can tell? How do you know this?
  4. Do each of the main turning points seem to change the direction of the plot or invest the character/audience deeper into the plot? If yes, how so, if no, what needs to change?
  5. Is this a film you think would draw an audience’s interest? Why or why not? 

After you read and answer the questions thoroughly above, get back with your partner and discuss your input. If there is time, we will do an additional switch


3/13/14 – Character outline

Thursday, 3/13/14

HW3.4 : Start a random character file in the idea-logue you are keeping for this class. When you encounter interesting people, write down some things about them. This way, you always have characters to draw on.  By next weeek, you should have 5-7 written.

Aim: Understanding characters and their surroundings

Daily Spark: What was one thing you noticed about character, theme or camera  from Citizen Kane?

Last week, you wrote two descriptive pieces about a place and a person who stood out in that place.

Today, you will take those two characters  and write a scene where they meet each other.
One character will serve as the protagonist, one as the antagonist.

Put the two in a situation where they might encounter one another (Subway, train, department store, grocery store, beach…) and an obstacle (or one of them will be the obstacle). Write a summary of the scene and then write the scene, in screenplay format, that unfolds from this chance meeting, be creative and think of how you think each character would act, what they would say and do in the situation you have provided.

Once you are finished with tis, you are to create an outline with the seven turning points for a film based off of the scene they wrote. The scene they wrote Friday should be one of the scenes in the film.

Here are the 7 turning points, as a reminder:

Plot Point outline:

Number One. The Back Story haunts the central character.

Number Two. The Catalyst gets the character moving. It’s part of the story’s setup.

Number Three. The Big Event changes the character’s life.

Number Four. The Midpoint is the point of no return or a moment of deep motivation.

Number Five. The Crisis is the low point, or an event that forces the key decision that leads to your story’s end.

Number Six. The Climax or Showdown is the final face-off between your central character and the opposition.

Number Seven. The Realization occurs when your character and/or the audience sees that the character has changed or has realized something.