6/4/14- Reviewing Act II

Wednesday, 6/4/14

Aim: Reviewing our Act IIs

In groups of 3, today you will table read each other’s screenplays. The writer will read the action lines and the other two will play the characters. Writers, please assign the main characters to your 2 groups mates ahead of time, and as other characters come up, please assign them accordingly.


As you read, consider, do these characters sound real?

Are they having real conversations?

Do the conversations reveal something about the character or move the story forward, anything that doesn’t do this should be removed?

Is the screenplay format correct?

Are the action lines descriptive?

Can you see what is happening in the screenplay in your head?

Are the characters and storyline compelling? If yes, why, if not what could make it more compelling?

Those of you who DON’T have act two, should work on them.

Full screenplays are due NEXT WEDNESDAY!

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